How to open Application and folder on System Startup in Windows 10
You will find brief description of How to open Apps, Files, and Folders on System Startup in Windows 10 or when windows starts some important programs or daily tasks starts automatically.
By adding Apps, files, and folders on startup in windows, it will slow down the starting of windows as windows will take time to boot and start all programs at once.
Some apps have already built in feature, which starts when windows starts like antivirus, lync or whatever you want to start in a “Startup” folder. There are various way through which you can Manage Startup Applications in Windows 10. As told earlier that the more programs you start on boot, the longer the startup process will appear to take. If there are any apps you don’t want to start on boot, you can disable certain startup programs too.
Step 1 – Press Win + R shortcut keys together and type the below command in the Run box:
once you press enter Startup folder will get open.
Step 2: Just copy and paste a shortcut in this folder.
Step 3: Create a Shortcut in the “Startup” Folder
You can create shortcut for any application/programs, files, and folder by two methods-
1) By drag and drop any application shortcut. To do that, First, locate the item to which you want create your shortcut. Just open a second File Explorer window and find the executable, file, or folder you want to start at boot. Drag the item you want to create the shortcut for to the “Startup”folder. When you release the button, a popup menu with a few options appears. Click “Create shortcut here.”
2)Right click any program, file or folder and click on create shortcut, Once created move it to Startup Folder.
The next time you start Windows, your app, file, or folder will launch right along with it.